Who  We Are &
  What  We Do.

Survivor Designed

Uniting top national experts with advanced education technology to establish a powerful learning environment aimed at tackling human trafficking across the United States.

Our Mission

Our mission is to promote the adoption and implementation of holding sex buyers accountable throughout the United States and ending the practice of arresting those victimized in the sex trade by offering comprehensive educational resources, developed by survivors of human trafficking, to facilitate informed decision-making. 

Our Vision

Our vision is to create a world free of human trafficking, where everyone has the right to live in safety and with dignity. We strive to build a future where human trafficking is eradicated in the United States, and all individuals can pursue their dreams without fear of exploitation or abuse.

Kimberly Mull, MVSM

Chief Executive Officer

Grant Monroe

Chief Operations Officer

CJ Baltao

Administrative Specialist

Teresa Forliti

Education Coordinator

Ashley Lowe, MSW

Behavioral Health Director

What is Our
 Business  Model?

JaneSchool works to end human sex trafficking in the United States by addressing the harms of prostitution, diminishing its exploitative framework, and connecting those impacted by the sex trade with essential resources.

  Our Methods

  1. We work to repeal laws calling for the arrests and incarceration of people being sex trafficked, especially juveniles.
  2. Connect survivors to an extensive range of trauma-informed support services (such as legal, social, medical, and financial empowerment).
  3. Equip courts to reduce the demand for prostitution by reeducating sex buyers. This shrinks the sex trade and prevents more vulnerable people from being pulled into harm’s way.
  4. Push for the continued criminalization of pimps and traffickers, brothel owners, illicit massage parlor owners, and those who facilitate trafficking.
  5. Provide comprehensive community education aimed to increase awareness regarding the lifelong physical harm and emotional trauma experienced by individuals who are prostituted, at the hands of sex buyers.

Contact Us

Have feedback, questions or just want to know more - please feel free to send us a message.
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